Apply now

If you’re interested in renting one of our Ottawa apartment or townhouse rental properties and want to get a head start on the apartment rental application process, you can fill out our online form below – or request a PDF version of this form by emailing

Before you move in, be sure to view our Ottawa apartment tenant policies and regulations.

A consumer report containing your personal information will be prepared in connection with your offer to rent. We will treat all information obtained from your application form in a confidential manner and will never sell or distribute your information to outside parties.

How To Apply

In order for the property manager to review an application, you must first:

  1. All applicants must fill out their own District Realty Rental Application Form (“Offer to Lease ”) ensuring that all fields are filled out – this includes current and previous employment, education and addresses. This document must be signed and initialed on page 2 of the form or else it will be considered incomplete. It must also be made very clear which unit and property, as well as which move in date, you are applying for.
  2. Provide supporting documents – we must have proof of income (T4 or multiple pay stubs) or proof of savings (multiple bank statements) to support the application. If you are a student, we must also have proof of enrollment & proof of income. Proof of enrollment can include a transcript of enrollment verification and proof of income can include grants, scholarships, bursaries, transfers from parents (supported by bank statements), student loans, etc. These documents must be attached to the application when it is being submitted.
  3. Provide a certified cheque or money order as Last Month’s Rent deposit (“LMR”) payable to District Realty in trust. We also accept Visa and MasterCard payment options. The amount of this payment would be dependent on the going rental rate for the unit. This must be included with your application when it is being submitted or else it will not be processed. We do not accept personal cheques or e-transfers.
  4. Provide a copy of government-issued photo ID with signature.
  5. Guarantors must submit an application form as well as all aforementioned supporting documents with the application when it is being submitted. Please be advised that the property manager may request a guarantor upon an initial review of an application. Guarantors will be requested when an applicant is a student or is not employed.
  6. Landlord reference – it is very important that you ensure that your current and/or previous landlord(s) are prepared to give references upon request.

Once all of the above documents are prepared, you are welcome to drop them off at the head office, or on-site at an arranged time with the superintendent, during regular business hours. Alternatively, you can scan and email them to where they will be forwarded to the appropriate administrator.

PLEASE BE ADVISED: Complete applications are given priority processing. If you are sending your application electronically, you must still bring in the deposit in order for the application to be processed by our administrators. Rent payments for approved tenants must be paid via pre-authorized payments which you must set up during the pre-move in process.


Application Form

Please fill in all form fields below and click “Submit”.

You may request a PDF version of this form by emailing




    I am a

    ApplicantGuarantorSubletLease takeover


    only if 18 years or younger to reside in the unit during the tenancy, otherwise write N/A

    I am a student/currently studying

    I have a roommate, or intend to have a roommate


    (if less than 2 years, provide previous address):



    if less than 2 years, provide previous job




    A) Upon signing this OFFER, the Landlord has a period of seven (7) days to accept this OFFER, failing which the OFFER is revoked. In the event that I withdraw or cancel this OFFER prior to the seven days or after this OFFER has been accepted, my deposit will be forfeited and I acknowledge that I will be liable for any loss of rent and any other costs or damages suffered by the Landlord.

    B) In the event that this OFFER is not accepted by the Landlord it shall be retained by the Landlord and the deposit shall be returned forthwith and reasons for its refusal shall not be divulged.

    C) Upon acceptance of this OFFER by the Landlord, I agree that a binding lease has been entered into in accordance with the terms of this OFFER and the Landlord’s standard lease form and all attachments therein.

    D) Upon notification of acceptance, I will forthwith attend at the Office of the Landlord to sign the lease.

    E) The balance of the first month’s rent is payable upon signing the lease.

    F) Smoking in the unit or building is prohibited and will NOT be tolerated.

    G) NO OTHER PERSON(S) SHALL OCCUPY THE PREMISES other than as shown on this OFFER TO LEASE unless prior written consent is given by the landlord

    H) “As Is” Occupancy: The Landlord will endeavor to have the unit cleaned to the Landlord’s standards prior to occupancy, however, if this cannot be done prior to occupancy, this will be completed within thirty (30) days from the start of the Tenancy Agreement provided by the Landlord. Carpet cleaning and redecoration as deemed necessary at the Landlord’s discretion, shall follow suit as per the above.

    I) No appliances or satellite dishes or A/C units may be installed or brought into the unit without written permission by the Landlord. Seasonal fee for electricity use for air conditioning units is $200.00 and subject to the rules and regulation of the signed lease agreement

    J) In the event that I paint a part or whole of the leased premises in a colour other than the basic colour used by the Landlord; or in the event that I apply wall paper or any other substance to the wall(s), ceilings, floors, it shall be my expense to return the unit to a condition acceptable to the Landlord.

    K) The Applicant acknowledges that even if the OFFER is accepted, they will not be given keys or possession to the rental unit until they have provided to the Landlord sufficient proof that suitable insurance is in effect.

    By providing my personal contact information I agree to receive communications from District Realty via email, telephone, or post.


    • **Please do not upload HEIC files. Acceptable file types - DOC, JPEG, PNG, PDF**

    • PROOF OF INCOME (Provide supporting documents – we must have proof of income (3 most recent paystubs or most recent year T4 and 1 recent paystub) or proof of savings (3 most recent months’ bank statements) to support the application.)

    • PROOF OF ENROLLMENT if a student


    • Photo of deposit if paying by money order/certified fund

    Please Indicate Deposit Type:


    192 bronson avenue

    Location is Everything